We unlock the potential of rail transport

We unlock the potential of rail transport

Control and automation systems for critical infrastructure

We bring together dynamic companies operating in the field of railway traffic control, metro technology, and solutions for the military

Our company was established as a result of a merger between Zakłady Automatyki Kombud - a leading manufacturer of
railway traffic management systems and Rail-Mil, a company operating in the field of electronics and industrial automation.

The combined technological and financial capacity positions us among the leaders of the rail traffic control market in
Central and Eastern Europe. Every year our devices ensure the safety of millions of passengers and improve the work conditions of railway staff.

For over 30 years, we have been driven by the belief that a modern and reliable railway is the key to building a strong
economy as a key enabler for sustainable development, international integration, as well as to tackle environmental and climate change issues.



years of experience in railway traffic management systems



systems and devicescertified for use in the European Union


% Polish capital

We are proud of our roots. Our company is based solely on Polish, private capital.



Our success stems from the commitment of over 600 employees, whose knowledge and experience determine the success of the projects we carry out.

Group structure

What we do

What we do

Railway Traffic Control

The heart of our offer for railways are computer interdependence systems, local and remote railway traffic control systems, diagnostic systems and actuators, including signals and point drives. We have developed our own range of ETCS components and devices for level one ETCS systems as well as interfaces for level two ETCS systems. For railway infrastructure operators, we offer both automatic and station-controlled traffic security systems at rail and road crossings.

Systems for Metro

We have a full portfolio of systems needed to manage the metro, from local and remote vehicle traffic control systems, through the technical and sanitary equipment control system (BMS), object detection system in the danger zone, dynamic passenger information system to the stray current monitoring system. We have also developed our own CBTC class automatic train guidance system.

Automation of rolling stock

By carefully addressing the needs of rolling stock manufacturers, we developed a fully dedicated control and automation solutions that increase the efficiency and safety of rolling stock operations.

Solutions for the military

We supply computer systems for industrial and military applications. We have extensive experience in cooperation with the domestic and international arms industry. Our solutions are confirmed by appropriate safety and quality certificates.

Design services

In each area of our activity, we provide our own design services - in addition to railways and metro - we provide multi-industry, road, construction and energy projects. We prepare analyses, opinions, technical expertise and provide proprietary supervision.

Kombud Group in numbers

Kombud Group in numbers




Number of employees



Traffic on train and metro


Traffic on train and metro



Level crossing systems



Check out the companies within the Group